Alliance BJJ Team Training Session
Great Alliance BJJ team training today!
Thanks to the guys from London and Jeff Joslin for coming down with his guys from Hamilton. We had a lot of rounds of rolling, it was really fun for everybody. We had some new belt promotions Congrads to Rob for being a long-time and dedicated student that likes to test his skill on grappling tournaments as well as MMA – well deserved brown belt Rob! I am really proud of Richard for his amazing dedication. He started training BJJ in his 50s and is now achieving a brown belt at the age of 66 – not sure, but Richard might be the oldest BJJ brown belt in Canada. Congrads to Kevin on achieving his purple belt, who likes to test himself and complete on a lot of tournaments, and Brian and Deacon, who are also really dedicated BJJ students and competitors, for their blue belt. Great performance everyone at the grading! Congratulations everyone for your hard work!
We are all looking forward to the next team training!